Health MOT Plus

Full Body MOT Health Check In Luton

Full Body MOT Health Check In Luton

(4.5 Ratings)


Save £15 | was £240.00

  • Discover the insights you need to enhance your health by undertaking a Full MOT. This will highlight areas of concern and make you more aware of your body's performance.

What's included:

55 Biomarkers Analysed

Results in 72 Hours
Results in 72 Hours



What's Being Tested

Red Blood Cells Red Blood Cells

Carry oxygen from the lungs to the body. Testing can help diagnose blood disorders.

7 Biomarkers included

White Blood Cells White Blood Cells

Number of white blood cells in the blood. Testing can help diagnose infections or other health conditions.

6 Biomarkers included

Clotting Status Clotting Status

How well the blood can clot. Testing can help diagnose bleeding disorders or blood clotting disorders.

3 Biomarkers included

Kidney Function Kidney Function

Measure the levels of waste products in the blood and can help diagnose and monitor kidney-related health conditions such as kidney disease or failure.

3 Biomarkers included

Liver Function Liver Function

Measures of levels of enzymes, waste products, and proteins in the blood can help diagnose and monitor liver-related health conditions such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, or liver damage.

5 Biomarkers included

Proteins Proteins

A measure of protein levels in the blood can help diagnose and monitor various health conditions such as liver disease, malnutrition, autoimmune diseases, or infections.

3 Biomarkers included

Gout Risk Gout Risk

Gout is a type of arthritis that is caused by the buildup of urate crystals in the joints.

1 Biomarkers included

Diabetes Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic condition where the body can not properly process glucose in the blood due to insufficient insulin production or insulin resistance.

1 Biomarkers included

Iron Status Iron Status

Measurement of levels of iron and proteins in the blood can help diagnose and monitor various health conditions, such as iron deficiency anaemia or hemochromatosis.

4 Biomarkers included

Cholesterol Status Cholesterol Status

Measures of levels of different types of cholesterol and fats in the blood can help diagnose and monitor cardiovascular-related health conditions such as high cholesterol or heart disease.

5 Biomarkers included

Minerals Minerals

Minerals are essential nutrients that the body needs to carry out various functions such as building strong bones, maintaining fluid balance, and facilitating nerve function.

1 Biomarkers included

Thyroid Function Thyroid Function

TSH, free T4, and free T3 measure thyroid hormone levels in the blood. Testing can help diagnose thyroid-related health conditions such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.

3 Biomarkers included

Vitamins Vitamins

Essential nutrients play key roles in various bodily functions, and testing their levels can help diagnose and monitor various health conditions related to vitamin deficiencies or excesses.

3 Biomarkers included

Hormones Hormones

Levels of various hormones in the blood can help diagnose and monitor hormone-related health conditions such as infertility, menopause, or adrenal gland disorders.

10 Biomarkers included

Red Blood Cells Red Blood Cells

Carry oxygen from the lungs to the body. Testing can help diagnose blood disorders.

7 Biomarkers included

White Blood Cells White Blood Cells

Number of white blood cells in the blood. Testing can help diagnose infections or other health conditions.

6 Biomarkers included

Clotting Status Clotting Status

How well the blood can clot. Testing can help diagnose bleeding disorders or blood clotting disorders.

3 Biomarkers included

Kidney Function Kidney Function

Measure the levels of waste products in the blood and can help diagnose and monitor kidney-related health conditions such as kidney disease or failure.

3 Biomarkers included

Liver Function Liver Function

Measures of levels of enzymes, waste products, and proteins in the blood can help diagnose and monitor liver-related health conditions such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, or liver damage.

5 Biomarkers included

Proteins Proteins

A measure of protein levels in the blood can help diagnose and monitor various health conditions such as liver disease, malnutrition, autoimmune diseases, or infections.

3 Biomarkers included

Gout Risk Gout Risk

Gout is a type of arthritis that is caused by the buildup of urate crystals in the joints.

1 Biomarkers included

Diabetes Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic condition where the body can not properly process glucose in the blood due to insufficient insulin production or insulin resistance.

1 Biomarkers included

Iron Status Iron Status

Measurement of levels of iron and proteins in the blood can help diagnose and monitor various health conditions, such as iron deficiency anaemia or hemochromatosis.

4 Biomarkers included

Cholesterol Status Cholesterol Status

Measures of levels of different types of cholesterol and fats in the blood can help diagnose and monitor cardiovascular-related health conditions such as high cholesterol or heart disease.

5 Biomarkers included

Minerals Minerals

Minerals are essential nutrients that the body needs to carry out various functions such as building strong bones, maintaining fluid balance, and facilitating nerve function.

1 Biomarkers included

Thyroid Function Thyroid Function

TSH, free T4, and free T3 measure thyroid hormone levels in the blood. Testing can help diagnose thyroid-related health conditions such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.

3 Biomarkers included

Vitamins Vitamins

Essential nutrients play key roles in various bodily functions, and testing their levels can help diagnose and monitor various health conditions related to vitamin deficiencies or excesses.

3 Biomarkers included

Hormones Hormones

Levels of various hormones in the blood can help diagnose and monitor hormone-related health conditions such as infertility, menopause, or adrenal gland disorders.

9 Biomarkers included

Red Blood Cells

Hemoglobin is a protein located in the red blood cells which carries oxygen around the body and transports carbon dioxide from your organs back to your lungs.

Hematocrit measures the proportion of red blood cells. Having too few or too many of these can cause diseases.

Red Blood Cells are important for the body as it carries hemoglobin, which supports the transportation of oxygen around the body.

Mean Cell Volume measures the volume of red cells in the body. This is part of the blood count and vital to know how well the transportation of oxygen is, in the body.

Mean Cell Hemoglobinis an important protein, that helps with the transportation of oxygen to the cells and tissues in the body.

MCHC can help evaluate the cause of anemia by measuring the volume of hemoglobin in red blood cells. This is part of the blood count.

Red Cell Distribution is part of the blood count and measures how many blood cells there are in the body. A high level of this can indicate an increased variation than expected.

White Blood Cells

White Cell Count plays a role in the immune system and is involved in protecting the body from foreign invaders and diseases.

Neutrophils are the most common type of white blood cell found in the body, helping the defense of healing injuries and fighting infections.

Lymphocytes are the main type of immune cell, found in the blood and lymph tissue, which supports the fight of illness and disease.

Monocytes, White blood cells formed in the bone marrow, which help protect and fight the body from infections, and assist with healing and repair.

Eosinophils is a white blood cell, which releases granules of enzymes to fight foreign substances and infections in the body.

Basophils are a type of white blood cell, which is vital for the immune system. This can protect the body from infections and disease.

Clotting Status

Platelets are made in the bone marrow and play a vital role when it comes to clotting and bleeding.

MPV measures the number of platelets in the body and can be seen as an inflammatory marker in some diseases.

CRP is an inflation marker in the blood, produced in the liver. If this is high, it can infection to arthritis.

Kidney Function

Urea can be tested to check your kidney function and measure how well this is working.

Creatinine is a waste product from muscle and protein metabolism. The levels of creatinine indicate how well your kidneys are working e.g. high levels highlight the kidney isn't functioning well.

eGFR is an estimated number based on a few factors like blood type, age, and sex. This measures how well your kidneys are functioning.

Liver Function

ALP helps in the breakdown of proteins and is mostly produced in the liver. High levels of this can indicate liver, bone, or bile duct disease.

ALT is an enzyme located in the liver cells and helps the liver break down proteins, to make absorption easier. If ALT levels rise, this can result in liver problems.

CK is a type of protein that your muscles need to function. Though, having high levels of creatinine kinase can lead to muscle damage.

Gamma GT is an enzyme found in the liver, which can be tested to see if there is any sight of liver damage or disease.

Bilirubin is a pigment in your body formed after a breakdown of red blood cells. This measures the levels of bilirubin in your blood; having high levels can result in jaundice and highlight liver damage or disease.


Total protein can be used to measure the amount of protein in serum. High levels could result in bone marrow disorder, infection, inflammation, or even cancer.

Albumin is a type of protein produced by the liver and is essential for the body. An imbalance of albumin can be a sign of kidney disease.

Globulins are a group of proteins in salt solutions, where having high levels of this indicates infection, immune disorders, or inflammatory disease.

Gout Risk

Uric acid is a waste product created when there is a breakdown of purine chemicals. A range of health problems like arthritis can be caused if this is built up in the joints and tissues.


This is also known as glycated hemoglobin and is produced when glucose sticks to the red blood cells. High levels can indicate poor control of diabetes.

Iron Status

Iron is a mineral and is essential for hemoglobin. The body needs this to make oxygen, so iron deficiency can result in anemia, meaning there are lower red blood cells than normal.

TIBC is the total binding capacity and can be used to measure the blood's ability to attach itself to iron, testing if that can be transported around the body.

Transferrin is a protein that carries iron in the blood. Having a high percentage of this saturation signifies an overload in iron, which can cause hereditary disease or hemochromatosis.

Ferritin is a protein that stores iron and can measure the amount of iron in your body, detecting if there is an iron deficiency.

Cholesterol Status

Triglycerides are lipids that energise your body. Though too much of this can increase the risk of heart attack and cardiovascular disease.

HDL cholesterol absorbs cholesterol and carries it back to the liver, this is good cholesterol as it can reduce the risk of strokes and heart diseases.

LDL cholesterol collects cholesterol in the walls of your blood vessels, which is why it is known as bad cholesterol because it increases the chances of health problems.

Cholesterol Non - HDL measures the not-so-good cholesterol in your body and can indicate cardiovascular diseases if this is high.

Total cholesterol is the proportion of one type of cholesterol when compared to the others in the blood.


Magnesium is a mineral in your body that is needed to function correctly. It is an important nutrient for maintaining a healthy bone structure and helps with calcium.

Thyroid Function

TSH is a pituitary hormone found and can be tested for hyperthyroidism.

Free T4 (thyroxine) is the main hormone generated by the thyroid gland which can test for hyperthyroidism.

Free T3 is a thyroid hormone and stimulates metabolism. High levels of T3 indicate hyperthyroidism.


B12 is a vitamin that is essential to keep the nerves and blood cells healthy.

Folate is also known as vitamin B and high levels of this can mean vitamin b12 deficiency.

Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble secosteroids that help increase calcium, magnesium, and phosphate.


Testosterone is a sexual hormone found in males. This is responsible for male sexual characteristics development.

Free testosterone looks at the amount of testosterone in the bloodstream and helps with the function of cell replication in the muscles and bones.

SHGB is a protein produced in the liver and helps with the transportation of hormones, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, and oestradiol.

LH is a significant hormone in the body that helps with the following: puberty, fertility, and menstruation.

FSH is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland, which helps regulate the reproductive cycle

Oestradiol is a steroid hormone that helps with the reproductive system, by maturing and maintaining this.

Prolactin, also known as the lactogenic hormone is used to help women develop milk after giving birth and is important for reproductive health.

Cortisol is a steroid hormone and can help respond to stress or danger, once released into the bloodstream.

DHEA is a hormone made by the adrenal glands and important for the circulation of steroids in the body.

PSA is a protein that measures the amount of prostate-specific antigen in your blood. High levels of PSA can signify prostate cancer.

Red Blood Cells

Hemoglobin is a protein located in the red blood cells which carries oxygen around the body and transports carbon dioxide from your organs back to your lungs.

Hematocrit measures the proportion of red blood cells. Having too few or too many of these can cause diseases.

Red Blood Cells are important for the body as it carries hemoglobin, which supports the transportation of oxygen around the body.

Mean Cell Volume measures the volume of red cells in the body. This is part of the blood count and vital to know how well the transportation of oxygen is, in the body.

Mean Cell Hemoglobinis an important protein, that helps with the transportation of oxygen to the cells and tissues in the body.

MCHC can help evaluate the cause of anemia by measuring the volume of hemoglobin in red blood cells. This is part of the blood count.

Red Cell Distribution is part of the blood count and measures how many blood cells there are in the body. A high level of this can indicate an increased variation than expected.

White Blood Cells

White Cell Count plays a role in the immune system and is involved in protecting the body from foreign invaders and diseases.

Neutrophils are the most common type of white blood cell found in the body, helping the defense of healing injuries and fighting infections.

Lymphocytes are the main type of immune cell, found in the blood and lymph tissue, which supports the fight of illness and disease.

Monocytes, White blood cells formed in the bone marrow, which help protect and fight the body from infections, and assist with healing and repair.

Eosinophils is a white blood cell, which releases granules of enzymes to fight foreign substances and infections in the body.

Basophils are a type of white blood cell, which is vital for the immune system. This can protect the body from infections and disease.

Clotting Status

Platelets are made in the bone marrow and play a vital role when it comes to clotting and bleeding.

MPV measures the number of platelets in the body and can be seen as an inflammatory marker in some diseases.

CRP is an inflation marker in the blood, produced in the liver. If this is high, it can infection to arthritis.

Kidney Function

Urea can be tested to check your kidney function and measure how well this is working.

Creatinine is a waste product from muscle and protein metabolism. The levels of creatinine indicate how well your kidneys are working e.g. high levels highlight the kidney isn't functioning well.

eGFR is an estimated number based on a few factors like blood type, age, and sex. This measures how well your kidneys are functioning.

Liver Function

ALP helps in the breakdown of proteins and is mostly produced in the liver. High levels of this can indicate liver, bone, or bile duct disease.

ALT is an enzyme located in the liver cells and helps the liver break down proteins, to make absorption easier. If ALT levels rise, this can result in liver problems.

CK is a type of protein that your muscles need to function. Though, having high levels of creatinine kinase can lead to muscle damage.

Gamma GT is an enzyme found in the liver, which can be tested to see if there is any sight of liver damage or disease.

Bilirubin is a pigment in your body formed after a breakdown of red blood cells. This measures the levels of bilirubin in your blood; having high levels can result in jaundice and highlight liver damage or disease.


Total protein can be used to measure the amount of protein in serum. High levels could result in bone marrow disorder, infection, inflammation, or even cancer.

Albumin is a type of protein produced by the liver and is essential for the body. An imbalance of albumin can be a sign of kidney disease.

Globulins are a group of proteins in salt solutions, where having high levels of this indicates infection, immune disorders, or inflammatory disease.

Gout Risk

Uric acid is a waste product created when there is a breakdown of purine chemicals. A range of health problems like arthritis can be caused if this is built up in the joints and tissues.


This is also known as glycated hemoglobin and is produced when glucose sticks to the red blood cells. High levels can indicate poor control of diabetes.

Iron Status

Iron is a mineral and is essential for hemoglobin. The body needs this to make oxygen, so iron deficiency can result in anemia, meaning there are lower red blood cells than normal.

TIBC is the total binding capacity and can be used to measure the blood's ability to attach itself to iron, testing if that can be transported around the body.

Transferrin is a protein that carries iron in the blood. Having a high percentage of this saturation signifies an overload in iron, which can cause hereditary disease or hemochromatosis.

Ferritin is a protein that stores iron and can measure the amount of iron in your body, detecting if there is an iron deficiency.

Cholesterol Status

Triglycerides are lipids that energise your body. Though too much of this can increase the risk of heart attack and cardiovascular disease.

HDL cholesterol absorbs cholesterol and carries it back to the liver, this is good cholesterol as it can reduce the risk of strokes and heart diseases.

LDL cholesterol collects cholesterol in the walls of your blood vessels, which is why it is known as bad cholesterol because it increases the chances of health problems.

Cholesterol Non - HDL measures the not-so-good cholesterol in your body and can indicate cardiovascular diseases if this is high.

Total cholesterol is the proportion of one type of cholesterol when compared to the others in the blood.


Magnesium is a mineral in your body that is needed to function correctly. It is an important nutrient for maintaining a healthy bone structure and helps with calcium.

Thyroid Function

TSH is a pituitary hormone found and can be tested for hyperthyroidism.

Free T4 (thyroxine) is the main hormone generated by the thyroid gland which can test for hyperthyroidism.

Free T3 is a thyroid hormone and stimulates metabolism. High levels of T3 indicate hyperthyroidism.


B12 is a vitamin that is essential to keep the nerves and blood cells healthy.

Folate is also known as vitamin B and high levels of this can mean vitamin b12 deficiency.

Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble secosteroids that help increase calcium, magnesium, and phosphate.


SHGB is a protein produced in the liver and helps with the transportation of hormones, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, and oestradiol.

LH is a significant hormone in the body that helps with the following: puberty, fertility, and menstruation.

FSH is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland, which helps regulate the reproductive cycle

Oestradiol is a steroid hormone that helps with the reproductive system, by maturing and maintaining this.

Prolactin, also known as the lactogenic hormone is used to help women develop milk after giving birth and is important for reproductive health.

Cortisol is a steroid hormone and can help respond to stress or danger, once released into the bloodstream.

DHEA is a hormone made by the adrenal glands and important for the circulation of steroids in the body.

Progesterone is a steroid and having too much of this can lead to a risk of developing breast cancer or result in the condition of congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

Anti Mullerian Hormone is a protein hormone produced in reproductive tissues. High levels of AMH can indicate ovarian syndrome.

Benefits of the Health MOT Plus Test

  • Comprehensive Health Check

    A Full Health MOT provides a thorough overview of your overall health. It includes tests and assessments that cover vital areas such as heart health, liver function, kidney function, and blood sugar levels, ensuring that any potential issues are identified early.

  • Early Detection of Health Conditions

    Regular Full Health MOTs can help detect health issues before they become serious. Conditions like diabetes, high cholesterol, or liver disease can be caught early, allowing for timely intervention and treatment.

  • Personalised Health Insights

    With a Full Health MOT, you receive detailed reports tailored to your personal health needs. This helps you understand your body better and make informed decisions about your lifestyle and diet, ultimately improving your quality of life.

  • Preventative Health Measures

    By identifying risks early, a Full Health MOT enables you to take proactive steps to prevent serious health problems in the future. Whether it is making lifestyle changes or starting a new treatment, you will be equipped with the knowledge to stay healthy.

  • Peace of Mind

    Knowing that you have undergone a comprehensive health check brings peace of mind. Whether you are dealing with specific concerns or just want reassurance, a Full Health MOT gives you confidence in your health and well-being.

  • Comprehensive Health Check

    A Full Health MOT provides a thorough overview of your overall health. It includes tests and assessments that cover vital areas such as heart health, liver function, kidney function, and blood sugar levels, ensuring that any potential issues are identified early.

  • Early Detection of Health Conditions

    Regular Full Health MOTs can help detect health issues before they become serious. Conditions like diabetes, high cholesterol, or liver disease can be caught early, allowing for timely intervention and treatment.

  • Personalised Health Insights

    With a Full Health MOT, you receive detailed reports tailored to your personal health needs. This helps you understand your body better and make informed decisions about your lifestyle and diet, ultimately improving your quality of life.

  • Preventative Health Measures

    By identifying risks early, a Full Health MOT enables you to take proactive steps to prevent serious health problems in the future. Whether it is making lifestyle changes or starting a new treatment, you will be equipped with the knowledge to stay healthy.

  • Peace of Mind

    Knowing that you have undergone a comprehensive health check brings peace of mind. Whether you are dealing with specific concerns or just want reassurance, a Full Health MOT gives you confidence in your health and well-being.

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